HPO Fire Consultants is a specialized fire-management service provider, based in Kwa-Zulu Natal, with an excess of 20 years’ experience covering all sectors of industries.

We specialize in, just to mention a few:
  • Fire safety management
  • Risk assessments
  • Operational fire-fighting
  • Fire investigations
  • Training

  • This combination of specialist skills and qualifications allows for a professional and practical approach to the fire management industry, with the use of state-of-the-art equipment and material. Our consultants are members of SAQCC, I.F.E., NFA, SAFSI and diligently ensure compliance across all sectors of the industry, whilst providing you a cost-effective, worthwhile experience.

    History has proven that fire and fire-related scenarios pose significant risks to people and their assets. It is part of our team-goals to reduce this risk by a notable amount…

popup fire extinguisher


 HPO FIRE CONSULTANTS (PTY) LTD is proud to announce that it is an accredited SABS service provider. For the best in excellent service quality at superb prices, contact us now to have your fire equipment serviced.

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